flip book pdf publisher

PDF to Flipbook Converter – Fast and Free

Would like you to host flipbooks from your website or app at no cost and without hassle? Well, you can by using the free services available at Yumpu Publishing. In case you’re not sure what a flipbook is, it’s a technique for presenting publications on the Web or on a tablet in a way that lets readers thumb through the pages how they would with a traditional paper book. This is a format that I was enamored with immediately and to which my audience was very receptive. The problem I faced was that I had no easy way to make these flipbooks, and the company I was using was simply charging me way too much.

Feature-Rich Flipbooks Without the Big Costs or Hassle

My business involves custom computer solutions for gaming enthusiasts. As gamers get older and take on more responsibilities, they have less time to choose PC components. That’s where I come in. One challenge I face is that I can’t do everything for all clients. Some customers will build it themselves to save money, need to integrate with existing equipment and so forth. I have to write and provide the manuals that help them do that, and traditional websites and PDF documents are simply not convenient when working on a computer.
A solution that is convenient is a flipbook on a tablet or smartphone. I knew I wanted a do-it-yourself option in order to save money. Since I created my manuals in PDF, a PDF to flipbook converter made a lot of sense. I tried a number of free and paid DIY PDF to flipbook converters, and none of them worked well. They put too many restrictions on my PDF creation, didn’t create an attractive final product and limited my options for inline embedding and app hosting. I then tried the paid full-service option that I mentioned in the opener,but that was cost-prohibitive. One day, I happened to be discussing my flipbooks with a client via email, and she mentioned Yumpu Publishing.

So Many Flipbook Options and Truly Free and Easy to Use

Here’s what I love about the service:
• The main service is free
• Full support for my custom branding
• Core services are not pay-walled
• No limitations on the PDFs I create
• Ability to convert to other formats as well
• Integration with social media
• Option to embed my flipbooks anywhere online
This service has made my life a lot easier because I create PDFs the way I want to, and then I convert them via drag-and-drop in a matter of seconds. I can them email these flipbooks when I send my products out, and if I want to post them on my website or Facebook for reference, I don’t need advanced web building skills. The PDF to flipbook converter even optimizes them for search engines like Google, and I’ve actually generated new leads from this traffic.
There’s some other neat features as well, such as the ability to have the PDF to flipbook converter link out to external resources, such as a product-specific manual hosted on a manufacturer’s website. I’m also able to ensure that my customers are using the most current information. If I update a flipbook, the email links, apps and so forth are all pointing at the newest book automatically. When used the other services, I’d have to re-send the manuals and hope my customers noticed.

I Think You’ll Be Surprised at How Simple Yumpu Publishing Is

1. Head on over the site and register a free account.
2. Once you’re logged in, drag a PDF from your computer to the upload box.
3. Click the Start button to start the process.
4. Even the largest PDF documents convert in just minutes.
5. Send your new flipbook to clients or embed it on a blog!

It really is this easy to use this PDF to flipbook converter, and due to the nature of flipbooks, you only have to create basic PDFs in order to have books that look professional and sharp. Your readers will be able to thumb forward and backward through pages, which is particularly great for my customers who often need to reference two or more diagrams at the same time.

Take a Step Toward Making Your Publication Responsibilities Easier

I’d recommend Yumpu Publishing to anyone who needs a PDF to flipbook converter or anyone wants to great professional magazines, catalogues and so forth. I’m so happy with the flipbooks I’ve made that I’ll talk about it with anyone who’ll listen and I’ve upgraded to a paid account. It’s worth it for me
because I like to publish my books via iPad and Android apps. You don’t have to pay anything, however, and since there’s no obligation, you owe it yourself to give this PDF to flipbook converter a chance. Have fun!

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